Thursday, August 30, 2018

First Two Weeks of Fifth Grade August 20 to August 31, 2018

Language Arts
We have begun reading Holes by Louis Sachar. Students have been discussing what makes a story part of the "realistic fiction" genre, the importance of reading a book's blurb to figure out key story elements, and using inference skills to talk about the personalities of the characters. Room 22  also enjoys listening to Space Case by Stuart Gibbs for a few minutes after lunch. 

We have begun the writing unit: Narrative Fiction. Students listened to stories by author Jon Scieszka which are fairy tales told from a different character's perspective and/or re imagined. Also we listened to stories involving "messy situations" and looking at pictures to inspire us with ideas for our own fiction stories.

We have been brushing up on our place value skills from the millions to the thousandths place. Practicing numbers in word form, standard form, expanded form, and expanded notation. We also have been multiplying and dividing by the Powers of Ten. Practice of this skill can be found here: Multiply/Divide by Powers of Ten

Social Studies
We began our geography unit of the United States by focusing on learning about maps and landforms and created landform posters. 


Students made half face self-portraits and created hand art using warm and cool colors.